Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Say you. Say autism. Say it together now. Naturally.

We don't watch a lot of mainstream t.v. in this house. In fact outside of Big Bang Theory, I don't think we watch ANY mainstream t.v. So most of those "in" shows that people talk about...yeah...I have no clue what you guys are talking about. However, we do watch a lot of shows on the various Discovery Channels and the like.

Not long ago I offered up a discussion about autism and evolution. That conversation was prompted by much thinking I have done since once upon a time seeing a comment about autism being the "next" step in the evolutionary chain. That one word, "next", is what leads us to this blog today. Pesky words.

So, I was laying in bed last night, not sleeping, and my mind was roaming. It roamed right back to this topic. One of the shows we watch is a speculatory show about how things got done in ancient times. There is one guy on there who's job title just cracks me. Ancient Astronaut Theorist. That's right. He gets paid for speculating about aliens who came to Earth in our ancient history.

Mr. AAT often explains how aliens helped our ancestors complete tasks that they shouldn't have been able to complete otherwise. Things like, building the pyramids, moving the stones of Easter Island into place, and the Mayan calendar. 

Last night before going to bed I finished up a poster that I was going to post today. This poster added in my thinking last night.

So what if autism isn't the "next" step. What if it wasn't "aliens" figuring out how to get stuff done back then. What if it was autism all along? What if autism was figuring out the needs and desires of it's people then as it does now? What if our modern minds can't figure out how they did it then, because our modern minds are too adjusted to our modern advancements? What if we can't figure out how they did it, because it's not our necessity?

I once saw a show where Mr. AAT speculated that aliens levitated the rocks of Stonehenge into their positions, because clearly the rocks are too heavy for a human to carry and well it's not like they had forklifts or anything back in those day. Couldn't an autist have figured out how to get the job done with what they had available?

So....What if autism isn't the next step in our chain of evolution, because it has always been a part of our genetic make up. Perhaps, by design, autism stirs up periodically to see to advancements.

Oh, how I do LOVE to think. The possibilities are endless.

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