Friday, May 4, 2012

Circle Circle Dot Dot, now I have my Autism shot!

A couple of days ago the pages were alive and buzzing over whether or not one should get additional vaccines (such as flu shots) and the usual of whether or not vaccines cause Autism. Someone had commented that Autism being a spectrum disorder that there was just as likely a spectrum of causes. I am no doctor. I cannot claim to have any definitive answer as to whether or not Autism is being handed out at your local doctor's office. I do agree with the comment though. Just as what works for one doesn't for others... What caused ones Autism may not cause all Autism.

I do think that people should have more choices in the matter. If you don't want to be vaccinated who are you potentially hurting? If you catch small pox because you chose not to vaccinate are you going to be passing it on to those who chose to not take the risk? No. I also think that considering the kinds of things that go into those vaccinations that one shouldn't over vaccinate themselves. Your body has a natural defense against diseases, let it works it's magic. However that being said, there are those with weakened immune systems due to illness or age. If you are healthy is my personal opinion to let your body take care of itself.

In the matter of my son... He is fully vaccinated. He does not get those little bonus shots such as the flu shot. Even though my ex-husband and I will disagree on virtually everything (most of which is just for the sake of not agreeing) I am sure we would both agree that Tyler was always different. Right from the beginning. We knew he was different. We talked about him being different. I was pretty clueless back in those days. I was no better informed than those that I now struggle against whom their only idea of Autism is what Hollywood has shown them in the movies.

There was no moment of "Oh my gosh, where did my child go?". There was no regression. He always cringed at loud noises (ie thunder). He always worked things out with an amazing quickness and with such a bizarre fashion. I always knew that when it was time to send him to school that the real troubles would begin. I knew they wouldn't approve of who he was. I was right.

My real point behind this post is....We shouldn't be fighting. There is so seldom one right answer. Often I feel like there are two sides (in most things) whom are divided by two separate ideas of what the right answer is, but that those two sides fail to see that maybe they are both wrong and that there is a third unseen possibility. Some people have noted severe regression after vaccinations. Some have seen marked improvement with certain treatments or life style changes. Some of us though, we are just out there living our Autism lives that just....have no known/seen cause. Nothing really changes the situation. So we're just out here doing our best.

Vax? Anti-Vax? High functioning? Low functioning? Does it really matter? Does it change the amount of support the person needs? Does mom more or less need a hug based on what she think caused her situation? Should we confound the situation even more by bringing anger to the plate? Some people need/want answers. I don't feel that need. All that matters to me is enjoying my son. Helping him the best I can. And teaching the world around him that he is not nor will he ever be who they want him to be....and that is perfectly ok. Sure, he has to learn to function with the world at large, but in the mean time, he is just a boy. Just a boy who is lost in a world that makes no sense to him. Regardless of the cause.


  1. Thank-you so much for writing this. I found the link here in a comment you posted for The Neurotypical Mom on facebook.

    You beautifully put into words what I've been feeling and trying to say for a long time now but I could never get it to come out right.

    Thank-you and bless you and your precious son and family ((hugs))
