Sunday, June 17, 2012

A step is a ladder, not a dad!

I wanted to take a moment to praise my husband. He is an amazing dad. I should also take a moment to catch you guys up to speed on the situation. My husband is officially "step-dad". When he came into the picture Tyler was in Kindergarten. Tyler was from a previous marriage, and Hope was from...a long short story from my teens. Jason had never been married. Had no children of his own. Yet he came into this relationship like a pro. It didn't seem so hard for him. He just knew what he wanted in a family and he went for it.

He would tuck Tyler into bed every night and read him a story. He jumped into being involved. He does things. He's there. He's in it. And he makes it look easy. Yet he's not afraid to tag team it. He'll tap out and say "you're in" when he knows he's out of his league. He's not so egotistical to think that he's "it". We have a fabulous relationship. We have a wonderful and happy family. I want to share with you guys some of the reason that makes Jason just so amazing.

Song to my husband! I love you :D Feel free to listen to it while you read about him.

The Car. This was his car when we got together. He instantly decided that NO family man drives a 2 seater sports car. It HAD to go. What he needed was an SUV to carry everyone, do grocery shopping in, and room to carry sports equipment.


First family outing. Texas State Fair. Well on the road to being the Daddy that the children love so dearly.


He makes time to make them count. No excuses. Lunch EVERY Friday.


He is the BEST of best friends I have ever had. I still have best friends from my youth, but nothing compares to the friendship that we have. This man is AMAZING!


This stuff isn't even posed. This is how you could find them any random time. This was them watching Hockey.


Who wouldn't love a man that gives foot massages?!


He is not afraid to look like a fool or to injure himself for the sake of doing something with his kids. (In this case, I'm not real sure your average 40 year old man should be ice skating)


I told you. This stuff isn't posed. I could supply truck loads of these.


Movie night. Families have traditions....right?


Tyler bought this a few weeks ago out of his own money for Jason. 


Jason works from home. We very literally spend 24/7 together. Yet we hate doing anything separately.

The best coach ever. He leads Tyler to success while letting him remain the boy that he is.

Jason is the kind of guy that if you get divorced (and you're a good caring guy yourself) that you would DREAM of being the one to get involved. Jason is so involved that people don't even realize that he is the "step-dad". He and Tyler are so close. Tyler publicly calls him daddy (hopefully before too long we will have the spare money to pay for the adoption of Hope). Jason is just an amazing guy.